iHackDry or Live
Source: Pistol-Training.com

Start Distance









Custom TargetTargets1Three 2" circles on one target Link to PDF https://pistol-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/6x2in-circles.pdf

Course of Fire

The iHack is an indoor range friendly version of the famous Hackathorn 3-Second Headshot Standards. The targets are much closer together but also significantly smaller than the regular version of the drill. Most shooters find this variation harder than the original so don’t be discouraged if your score is less than you expect the first time you try it.

PAR time is set to three seconds for each string. There are three strings of fire.

  1. Fire one (and only one) shot at each target, going from left to right.
  2. Fire one (and only one) shot at each target, going from right to left.
  3. Fire one (and only one) shot at each target, beginning with the middle target and then finishing with the two outside targets in any order.

Shots fired after the 3-second PAR time count as misses. In total, you will fire nine rounds. A “passing” score is 7 out of 9.

Try the drill first from a standard ready position. If you can get all your hits, try it from a holster. If you can get your hits from the holster within the PAR time, try it from concealment.



The iHack Drill is an indoor-friendly version of the Hackathorn 3-Second Headshot Standards, featuring smaller, closer targets that make it more challenging. The drill consists of three strings of fire, each with a three-second PAR time. You'll fire one shot at each target, first from left to right, then right to left, and finally starting with the middle target. A total of nine rounds are fired, and a passing score is 7 out of 9. Start from a ready position, then progress to drawing from a holster or concealment as you improve.